
stephen.jpgGood evening again folks another sad tale to tell. i have been good friends with a bloke Stephen staszewski for 25 yrs and he is also 25 yrs older. also i am or was the only friend he had . i originally met him through one of my former bosses Bruce whose house i was building when i was 18 . he is the sort of person who will joke around dick around takes nothing seriously almost everything is says is either a joke or bullshit. he drops off the grid when it suits him so he will call ask if u can do something for him then not hear from him for a yr or 2 . the sad thing is and has really been troubling me more the last 1 yr in particular is that his mum Stephanie who is 90 next mth has a pacemaker and a number of serious health problems but very switched on still has let her son become power of attorney. in the 25 yrs i have known him he hasn’t worked he has bullshitted and promised a lot of hot air. the sad thing is he has gotten a reverse mortgage against the house his parents killed themselves for they were polish in a Nazi concentration camp and borrowed $100,000 which he cant pay back so its taking more value off the house. but the reason he did it is to support a supposed woman he is marrying who he has already spent over $500.000 on over 5 yrs .so he hasn’t worked in quarter of a century is giving away his parents hard work. he is very immature he is irresponsible and certainly has some sort of  mental health issues. he cant watch TV because he flips out he cant cope  with the content he drinks smokes gambles yet he spent 5 yrs studying to be a natural therapist at st leonards nature care college. he believes in aliens and says he is a American Indian chief reincarnated. he spends his mums fortnightly pension to send to this stranger Samantha he has bought her a house in the Philippines as well as numerous gifts donations and apparently has legally adopted a 15 yo girl as well.they rarely have decent food in the house and he controls who his mum can talk to and see minus drs visits.he owns 3 cars also one being a new car he purchased recently for $26,000. in all the years i have known him his mother has continually asked for upgrades to the house she wanted a new kitchen a toilet and bathroom and the only thing he has done in 26 yrs is a new back screen door and he bought the cheapest one he could find and did it himself and now they also have white ants. the man reason i am here is today he really went off as he usually does its either his way or the fuck off way. him and his mum gave me $11,500 lat yr as a gift as i have been such a good friend i certainly wasn’t expecting it. today he rung and said can i sell one of his cars even though its got problems i said im not going to lie and have my eBay rating affected then as a joke i said oh how much will i get for doing the work he completely flipped out brought up the money him and his mum gave me to use against me.. so its OK for 25 yrs i have always been there for them worked done stuff and his going to use that against me but OK to piss away $500,000 to some lady boy in Philippines. what im sorry bout is i wont be able to see his mum again and we really like each other she always asks after me but Stephen been the immature arsehole he is wont let me and who knows how much longer she might have to live. a man who knows everything but has nothing if it wasn’t for his parents he would be living in a homeless shelter there is much more to this story but this is just a few words to vent i have put on my blog. he is at 85 minter st Canterbury  home phone 0297892096 if u would like to call Stephanie for her to have some company and have someone to talk to as i know she is lonely and very disappointed in her only son. have a chat or mobiles 0413459042 or 0415561112 all the best Stephanie its a good thing your husband victor inst alive as what Stephens done  probably would have killed him.

Dodgy Arabs

arabGood evening everyone its been a while since i have complained or brought up an important matter.Tonight i am writing about the area of fairfield cbd in particular and a mechanic from metro petrol station 64 hamilton rd not the one on the cnr of sackville st.i had a lot of family who lived in this area for 34 ys until earlier this year where they all sold and moved. fairfield heights use to be a beautiful family orientated neibour hood very low crime full of hard working austrlains and europens. now the arabs and a lot of muslims have taken over and when you look at crime statistics thye have gone through the rof drugs guns home invasions car thefts businesses burned down is just so sad and all i can say is im glad most of my family to moved to better areas thenk god. I had been going there for a number of yrs getting fuel as there prices were good they then refubished and changed it to a metro brand. this particular day i was getitng fuel i was trying to get out as the machanic who is the son had cars everywhere and was almost imposiible to park and get fuel . anyway i was forward reversing with a camera he started yelling i hit the car sadly me believed him gave him my details it was an old unkept 2000 mazda 6 who was a mate of his. any way upon thinking of it l8tr and looking at the cars i knew i did nothing wrong and he sant threatening texts and demanded payment typical of a middle eastern attitude straight to violence and usual threats about your famiy people they know bikers cousins usual bullshit. i said take it through insaurnce with an independant assessor to see if it was true as my car didnt have any mark or scratch and it is white and not a truck so wouild clearly be seen. he then threatened to go to the police they would jst tell him to piss off and stop wasting there time take it through insuarance. i dont know why he wont but now saying he will sue me in court as a hit and run its amaizng how far thye will go and be willing to lie in court for $300 he said he has it on camera lol bloddy arabs how did he get a picture of my license and phone number if it was a hit and run and is he going to edit the video so the camera cant see getting out and speaking to him for about 5 min. this complaint is only about the son the maechanic not the rest of his family. here is his number if anyone wants to have a chat maybe he can set up an insaurance job for you 0466916700 thanks for taking to the time to read my blog guys see ya soon

Bunnings owned by wesfarmers



Hi all I recently went through a 3 month interviewing process to get a job with bunnings who is owned by wesfarmers Australia’s biggest business. 230 of us were hired out of app 5000 ppl interviewed. We were going to start working in the biggest bunnings in
australasia  which was app 30000 sq ft double storey with led lighting.
Anyway it was a 5 week set up period before the store opened most managers are quite young hired as part of the internal future leaders program and others from other stores. The complex manager moved from adelaide to revesby with his family on a 6 figure plus salary who is in the photo with face seen he is michael vanhouten and the other joker is heath love from moorebank who is duty manager and in charge of builders.from day 1 having 2 days of induction ppl were complaining about heaths bravado and testosterone filled ego. He is a former judo olympian and glory boy who never achieved much. During the set up period we could tell no one had much idea about anything and we just put it down to oh well new store big store there learning even though they have previou experience with bunnings and we had none. A lot of us were very educated and come from similar retail and warehousing backgrounds. From the beginning we were told we are all family team members not workers we have leaders not bosses the usual shit and very quickly worked out that’s not the case. I had to have a week off due to hurting my back at work but no going on compo due to being a nice guy and use to taking ppl’s shit. I really wanted to believe this is a company that would look after me and my family. I was sacked on Thursday after standing up to heaths intimidating tactics and all the bosses look after each other as per usual. So in this family its ok to have a racist sexist intimidating pig as a boss but not part of there culture to stand up for yourself.the store is expected to make $67.5m profit in its first year yet theres no overtime minimum hrly rate how dud they get that through arbitration I wonder. So its my mission now to speak out against another greedy corporation trying to rid Australia of small business helping local community with some measly cheap greasy sausages and a few plants making billions a year buying out all the land and wiping out small business. So if yoy ever get to euston rd alexandria the biggest bunnings say hi to Michael and heath and how far they want you to bend over. Because I no longer have a job I’ve lost the love of my life my children everything there is no one but me and my pug left. I hope ppl can see the bigger picture and boycott these stores I appreciate your time in reading this blog